A luxury case in both protection and appearance, this glossy black fiber glass case is designed to ensure you never need to worry about the safety of your cello while it is in this case. The outside is constructed with real carbon fiber, which is one of the most durable materials available and is extremely resilient to drops, bumps and scratches. There is also extra reinforcement around the neck, which is the most fragile part of the violin. The inside is also heavily padded and topped with velvet. Lastly, it has wheels for easy transportation and a premium glossy black coating.
Safety, transportability, appearance - these three factors contribute to a top-end case that keeps your cello extremely safe, allows it to be transported easily and makes it look great in the process.
Fiber Glass Cello Case
4/4 full size
Comes with wheels
Glossy Black
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Call Us: (1) 416 - 558 - 1088 Email: info@musicm.ca More models are in the showroom
Heures d'ouverture du magasin: du lundi au vendredi: de 10 h 00 à 19 h 00 | Samedi: 10h à 18h | Dimanche: sur rendez-vous
399,00C$ Prix original
259,00C$Prix promotionnel
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